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Licenciatura en Microbiología

2016 al 2017

Barragán-Vargas, C., Montano-Frías, J. E., Silva-Rosales, G. R., Godínez-Reyes, C. R., Acevedo-Whitehouse, K.(2016) Transformation of the genital epithelial tract occurs early during California sea lion development. Royal Society Open Science (en prensa).  

Elorriaga-Verplancken, F. R., Sierra-Rodriguez, G. E., Rosales-Nanduca, Acevedo-Whitehouse, K., Sandoval-Sierra, J. (2016). Impact of the 2015 El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the abundance and foraging habits of Guadalupe fur seals and California sea lions from the San Benito Archipelago, Mexico. Plos One. 1:16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155034      

Cetz-Chel J. E., Balcázar-López E., Esquivel-Naranjo E. U., Herrera-Estrella A. (2016). The Trichoderma atroviride putative transcription factor Blu7 controls light responsiveness and tolerance. BMC Genomics. En revisión.

Esquivel-Naranjo E. U., García-Esquivel M., Medina-Castellanos E., Correa-Pérez V., Parra-Arriaga J., Landeros-Jaime F., Cervantes-Chávez J., Herrera-Estrella A. (2016). A Trichoderma atroviride stress-activated MAPK pathway integrates stress and light signals. Mol Microbiol, En prensa.

Cervantes-Chávez J.A., Valdés-Santiago L., Bakkeren G., Hurtado-Santiago E., León-Ramírez C.G., Esquivel-Naranjo E.U., Landeros-Jaime F., Rodríguez-Aza Y., Ruiz-Herrera J. (2016). Trehalose is required for stress resistence and virulence of the Basidiomycota plant pathogen Ustilago maydis. Microbiology, en prensa.

Balcázar-López E., Méndez-Lorenzo L. H., Batista-García R. A., Esquivel-Naranjo U. E., Ayala M., Kumar V. V., Savary O., Cabana H., Herrera-Estrella A., Folch-Mallol J. L. (2016). Xenobiotic compounds degradation by heterologous expression of a Trametes sanguineus laccase in Trichoderma atroviride. Plos One, 11:e0147997.

García-Esquivel M., Esquivel-Naranjo E. U., Hernández-Oñate M. A., Ibarra-Laclette E., Herrera-Estrella A. (2016). The Trichoderma atroviride cryptochrome/photolyase genes regulate the expression of blr1-independent genes both in red and blue light. Fungal Biology, XX:1-13.

Schmoll M., Dattenböck C., Carreras-Villaseñor N., Mendoza-Mendoza A., Tisch D., Alemán M. I., Brown C., Cervantes-Badillo M. G., Cetz J., Cristobal-Mondragon G. R., Delaye L., Esquivel-Naranjo E. U., Frischmann A., Gallardo-Negrete J. J., Garacía-Esquivel M., Gomez-Rodriguez E. Y., Greenwood D. R., Hernández-Oñate M., Kruszewska J. S., Lawry R., Mora-Montes H. M., Muñoz-Centeno T., Nieto-Jacobo M. F., Lopez G. N., Olmedo-Monfil V., Osorio-Concepcion M., Piłsyk S., Pomraning K., Rodriguez-Iglesias A., Rosales-Saavedra M. T., JSánchez-Arreguín J. A., Seidl-Seiboth V., Stewart A., Uresti-Rivera E. E., Wang C. L., Wang T. F., Zeilinger S., Casas-Flores S., Herrera-Estrella A. (2016). The genomes of three uneven siblings – footprints of the lifestyle of three Trichoderma species. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev, 80:205:327.